Jim Caviezel som Jesus i Mel Gibsons "The Passion of the Christ"Sekten motsätter sig vissa av Vatikanens senare tids moderniseringar. I intervjun tillbakavisar Mel Gibson anklagelserna om antisemitism. Flera judiska ledare i USA har hävdat att filmen på nytt kommer att sprida diskussioner om judar var skyldig till Jesus död. Själv säger Mel Gibson i intervjun följande:
Diane Sawyers: "Who killed Christ?"
Mel Gibson: "The big answer is, we all did. I'll be first in the culpability stakes here, you know."
Asked if he was anti-Semitic, Gibson said, "No, of course not. And here's the other thing. For me, it goes against the tenets of my faith, to be racist in any form. To be anti-Semitic is a sin. It's been condemned by one Papal Council after another. There's encyclicals on it, which is, you know -- to be anti-Semitic is to be unchristian, and I'm not."
ABC News intervju med Mel Gibson
Gibson denies 'Passion' is anti-Semitic (CNN)
The Passion of the Christ, IMDb