11/11 2004
Moore planerar uppföljare till Fahrenheit 9/11
Michael Moore har planer på en fortsättning på succén Fahrenheit 9/11. Den planeras heta Fahrenheit 9/11 ½ enligt en intervju med Michael Moore i Variety. Syftet är att utbilda det amerikanska folket som han anser inte hade korrekt information i presidentvalet.
"We want to get cameras rolling now and have it ready in two-three years," Moore says. "We want to document and commercialize it. Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them. They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now. The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining -- George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again." Michael Moore - Variety 10 nov 2004Get ready for more Moore (Variety)
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