Filmnyheter, Oscarsgalan

65 länder tävlar om Oscar

Javier Bardem i Mexikos oscarbidrag Biutiful

Hela 65 länder har chans på en Oscar. Sveriges Oscarbidrag är ”Simple Simon” eller som den är mer känd som i Sverige – I rymden finns inga känslor. Flera av filmerna kommer inom kort till svenska biografer, bla annat Biutiful med Javier Bardem i huvudrollen.

Danska Hämnden med Mikael Persbrandt i huvudrollen är Oscarbidrag för vårt grannland. Danis Tanovic har chans att vinna sin andra Oscar.

En film som är bioaktuell i Sverige just nu är Turkiets bidrag Honung.

Listan på årets bidrag från hela världen:

* Albania, “East, West, East,” Gjergj Xhuvani
* Algeria, “Hors la Loi” (“Outside the Law”), Rachid Bouchareb
* Argentina, “Carancho,” Pablo Trapero
* Austria, “La Pivellina,” Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel
* Azerbaijan, “The Precinct,” Ilgar Safat
* Bangladesh, “Third Person Singular Number,” Mostofa Sarwar Farooki
* Belgium, “Illegal,” Olivier Masset-Depasse
* Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Circus Columbia,” Danis Tanovic
* Brazil, “Lula, the Son of Brazil,” Fabio Barreto
* Bulgaria, “Eastern Plays,” Kamen Kalev
* Canada, “Incendies,” Denis Villeneuve
* Chile, “The Life of Fish,” Matias Bize
* China, “Aftershock,” Feng Xiaogang
* Colombia, “Crab Trap,” Oscar Ruiz Navia
* Costa Rica, “Of Love and Other Demons,” Hilda Hidalgo
* Croatia, “The Blacks,” Goran Devic and Zvonimir Juric
* Czech Republic, “Kawasaki’s Rose,” Jan Hrebejk
* Denmark, “In a Better World,” Susanne Bier
* Egypt, “Messages from the Sea,” Daoud Abdel Sayed
* Estonia, “The Temptation of St. Tony,” Veiko Ounpuu
* Ethiopia, “The Athlete,” Davey Frankel and Rasselas Lakew
* Finland, “Steam of Life,” Joonas Berghall and Mika Hotakainen
* France, “Of Gods and Men,” Xavier Beauvois
* Georgia, “Street Days,” Levan Koguashvili
* Germany, “When We Leave,” Feo Aladag
* Greece, “Dogtooth,” Yorgos Lanthimos
* Greenland, “Nuummioq,” Otto Rosing and Torben Bech
* Hong Kong, “Echoes of the Rainbow,” Alex Law
* Hungary, “Bibliotheque Pascal,” Szabolcs Hajdu
* Iceland, “Mamma Gogo,” Fridrik Thor Fridriksson
* India, “Peepli [Live],” Anusha Rizvi
* Indonesia, “How Funny (Our Country Is),” Deddy Mizwar
* Iran, “Farewell Baghdad,” Mehdi Naderi
* Iraq, “Son of Babylon,” Mohamed Al-Daradji
* Israel, “The Human Resources Manager,” Eran Riklis
* Italy, “La Prima Cosa Bella” (“The First Beautiful Thing”), Paolo Virzi
* Japan, “Confessions,” Tetsuya Nakashima
* Kazakhstan, “Strayed,” Akan Satayev
* Korea, “A Barefoot Dream,” Tae-kyun Kim
* Kyrgyzstan, “The Light Thief,” Aktan Arym Kubat
* Latvia, “Hong Kong Confidential,” Maris Martinsons
* Macedonia, “Mothers,” Milcho Manchevski
* Mexico, “Biutiful,” Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
* Netherlands, “Tirza,” Rudolf van den Berg
* Nicaragua, “La Yuma,” Florence Jaugey
* Norway, “The Angel,” Margreth Olin
* Peru, “Undertow” (“Contracorriente”), Javier Fuentes-Leon
* Philippines, “Noy,” Dondon S. Santos and Rodel Nacianceno
* Poland, “All That I Love,” Jacek Borcuch
* Portugal, “To Die Like a Man,” Joao Pedro Rodrigues
* Puerto Rico, “Miente” (“Lie”), Rafael Mercado
* Romania, “If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle,” Florin Serban
* Russia, “The Edge,” Alexey Uchitel
* Serbia, “Besa,” Srdjan Karanovic
* Slovakia, “Hranica” (“The Border”), Jaroslav Vojtek
* Slovenia, “9:06,” Igor Sterk
* South Africa, “Life, above All,” Oliver Schmitz
* Spain, “Tambien la Lluvia” (“Even the Rain”), Iciar Bollain
* Sweden, “Simple Simon,” Andreas Ohman
* Switzerland, “La Petite Chambre,” Stephanie Chuat and Veronique Reymond
* Taiwan, “Monga,” Chen-zer Niu
* Thailand, “Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives,” Apichatpong Weerasethakul
* Turkey, “Bal” (“Honey”), Semih Kaplanoglu
* Uruguay, “La Vida Util,” Federico Veiroj
* Venezuela, “Hermano,” Marcel Rasquin
