Här kan du se trailern för den hyllade grafitti konstnären Banksys film ”Exit through the gift shop” som nu har chans på en Oscarstatyett.
15 filmer har tagits ut med chans att vinna Oscar i kategorin bästa dokumntär:
* “Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer,” Alex Gibney, director (ES Productions LLC)
* “Enemies of the People,” Rob Lemkin and Thet Sambath, directors (Old Street Films)
* “Exit through the Gift Shop,” Banksy, director (Paranoid Pictures)
* “Gasland,” Josh Fox, director (Gasland Productions, LLC)
* “Genius Within: The Inner Life of Glenn Gould,” Michele Hozer and Peter Raymont, directors (White Pine Pictures)
* “Inside Job,” Charles Ferguson, director (Representational Pictures)
* “The Lottery,” Madeleine Sackler, director (Great Curve Films)
* “Precious Life,” Shlomi Eldar, director (Origami Productions)
* “Quest for Honor,” Mary Ann Smothers Bruni, director (Smothers Bruni Productions)
* “Restrepo,” Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger, directors (Outpost Films)
* “This Way of Life,” Thomas Burstyn, director (Cloud South Films)
* “The Tillman Story,” Amir Bar-Lev, director (Passion Pictures/Axis Films)
* “Waiting for ‘Superman’”, Davis Guggenheim, director (Electric Kinney Films)
* “Waste Land,” Lucy Walker, director (Almega Projects)
* “William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe,” Emily Kunstler and Sarah Kunstler, directors (Disturbing the Universe LLC)
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